Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Games

I'm about two weeks late on this post, but this is one I didn't want to skip. My sister organized our family's first Glauser Olympics, which we played on Labor Day. Each family came up with uniforms and games to compete for the prestigious gold(fish crackers). The games included a torch relay...

(by the way, after viewing these photos, I saw a lot of cheating going on!)
...a hand's free doughnut-eating race, which I'm not so proud to say was the reason my family took gold, but our sheer numbers had a lot to do with that...
a game of Twister that #2 proved to be adept at...

...a speedy ice melting contest, some treat tossing, and my favorite, a dizzy relay.

If you zoom on this first photo, you can see the top half of my nephew headed one way while his legs are headed another direction.

Sorry about that Dad.
And Christy--but at least I didn't get a photo of what dizziness did to you! I don't think anyone noticed anyway.

I know I already gave it away, but our family took the gold! Like our uniforms? They double for our weekend wear during the Fall. Go Cougars...and "Y-t"s.


mindy said...

What fun! I've wanted to do an Olympics with our extended family sometime. Maybe at our 2011 reunion. Love the shirts.

Jenni said...

I love how in your family's gold victory photo... there is a very unhappy, 4th place Kyle in the background!

Such a fun day!

Charlotte said...

That is a great idea, I am remembering it for the nerxt get together with my family!