Friday, June 7, 2013

A Sorry Apology

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry I've been so distant from you lately. It's not that I don't think about you.  It just turns out that living life has taken priority over writing about it.

*Ouch*  That probably hurt.  I apologize.

The truth is, I've thought about you quite a lot.  My phone is full of photos to show you.  My children have continued to astound the world.  I've written a dozen posts to my mind.  In the wee hours of the morning, as I lay in bed thinking of everything I want to tell you, we've had some great conversations and shared a lot of laughs.  You have even chuckled at my use of "wee" in this paragraph, because of the imaginary post I wrote to you last January...a dozen meta-posts ago.  

I'm not even positive that I'm using "meta" correctly in the previous sentence, but I think it works.

That is precisely why I'm writing today.  Besides my apology to you, I must pay some attention to the meta-writer in me who needs to brush up on her use of the written language.  If I neglect the two of you too long I might end up throwing words around helter skelter and let even my spelling and grammar go two/too/to pot.

I had a wake-up call this week.  A deadline demanded that I write--in real life--a short bio that will introduce me to other business owners and their spouses at an upcoming retreat.  In my two-paragraph autobiography, I claimed to be organizing my life in such a way that I can pursue my love of writing.  But can I really claim author status when my clever posts never even make their way out of my thoughts and into the blogosphere?

Probably not, considering that I've plagiarized half this post anyway.  (Hey, when my sister takes three minutes to write the apology that I owe to you, I'll risk being disowned.)

(Note to readers of Since my Boden sis is such a fan of recycled projects, let's just assume she'll love that I recycled her post.  It's not like she copyrighted it or anything.  But yeah, you already know the ending to this letter.)

Yes Blog, I'm still here.  Does this random picture from my imaginary "Socks and Sabers" post help?  No?  Well then, I'm sorry some more.  Darn winter/spring/summer just requires so much of my time between the extra job, the yard, the house...and the other stuff.  Don't give up on me, though.  I'll be back someday...soon.  First, I just have three dozen bank statements to reconcile, two dozen pieces of artwork to hang, a baker's dozen of stairs to paint, and a half dozen kids to keep occupied.  (That is NOT an announcement.  Sheesh Blog, don't jump to conclusions.  It just means that I always have extra kids around, so I might as well claim an extra number permanently.)  Please forgive me, Blog.  It seems I have a tendency to start something and not finish it before getting distracted and forgetting wh


Our family said...

I like it, and I get it

Paul said...

1. WOW. Looks much better than when it left our house.
2.It's hard to go wrong with paisley.

Mary said...

@Dad/Paul: Funny!

My first glance at your comment had me confused. On second glance I got it. It elicited a COL (chuckle out loud).